TSA_PDF 022: it’s when tourists get diarrhea at south america
curated by galería juniin
hosted by Tiger Strikes Asteroid
November 2021

Lucas Neira, Nikita Samantha Félix Galarza (Runk Fae), Liberti Nuques, Daniel Tovar, Julie Maurin, isadora parra, Borys Zambrano (BOCABIERTA Ediciones), Sofía Salazar Rosales, Juan Huerta Coello, Frank Chambers (GWYKQLL)

One of the security measures that the Ecuadorian government recommends to combat the recent wave of violence in the country has been not to leave the house. A few months after having lifted the capacity restrictions in spaces of possible conglomeration, a prison crisis and the constant, multiple threats against civil rights have been the cause of a new confinement, now psychotic, which results in numb views of death, the materiality of flesh, the national identity and an almost claustrophobic intimacy.

The first thing that opened was the mall, witness to a historically extractivist country, and what is for sale is a package of expired industrial meat, which rots in the stomach but looks beautiful on a base of white foam and crystalline plastic.